Monetize developing stories that
transcend Twitter and social media.

Comprehensive monetization of a breaking story involves engaging the user at each phase of a story's development.

Unlike a publsihed article, a Blitzwire story synopsis offers publishers the capability to actively solicit and monetize a user's interest throughout the process.

Opt-in story alerts via the Blitzwire User App enlists a user's real-time involvement that can be further leveraged upon completion of the article.
Story Edit and Archive

Approve and edit a contributor's developing story. Or, save it for a pending broadcast. The Online Editor determines when and how developing stories are broadcasted.


The Online Editor selects single or multiple developing stories for broadcast.


Instantly broadcast to a vairety of social platforms which include Twitter and Facebook.

A developing story begins here

The Contributor has a scoop and uses the Blitzwire App to notify the online editor.

The publication's Online Editor pre-registers a contributor's involvement via the App

Once accepted, the contributor (such as a staff reporter) is free to submit developing stories to the Online Editor using the App, complete with an archive of approvals.

The Online Editor instantly receives App notification of the Contributor's Blitzwire story submission on his mobile device.

The Online Editor's Inbox has the option to approve a Contributor's Blitzwire for immediate broadcast, edit its story synopsis, or archive it for a future broadcast.

The Online Editor can archive each Contibutor submission for future broadcast

All submissions are stored for instant broadcast to Twitter, Facebook, or the Blitzwire News App.


730 S. Clark St.
Suite 907
Chicago, IL 60605


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Privacy Policy

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet.


About Blitzwire

Blitzwire is a mobile publishing platform and news aggregation User App for developing stories.

The Mobile Publishing App allows publishers to streamline and monetize the process of a story's lifecycle from inception to publication by providing Contributors and Online Editors the ability to collaboratively disseminate a developing story in real-time using their mobile devices.

The Monetization Platform inserts advertisements with high-value CPMs into each developing story broadcast within a publication's existing Twitter and Facebook feeds.

The Mobile User App aggregates developing stories from all particpating publishers, and is personalized by user according to interest. Opt-in mobile alerts for a developing story enable a publisher to further engage audiences with story updates and notification of a completed article.

Targeted metrics within the Blitzwire User App provide publishers with a user's registered email, location, and profession. The number of developing stores viewed and users whom opt-in for updated story alerts are available for real-time trend evaluation.

Through its mDog subsidiary, the Blitzwire team has been responsible for the first mobile web editions of publications that includeThe Wall Street Journal, Forbes, NASDAQ, PC World, PC Magazine, Billboard, Variety, Crain Communications, and Careerbuilder among dozens of other iconic brands.